
Tenho tido tantos prazeres auditivos e emocionais com músicas na internet, ou vindas via internet,
que penso
devo compartilhar isto com mais e mais pessoas
e repartir canções que tenho guardadas
para quem mais as encontrar.

Assim sendo criei o espaço que chamei de ssoonnss
com coisitas aqui e ali do vastíssimo acervo que venho ajuntando há decadas.

I have received so many pleasures hearing music on the internet, and from the internet,
and so i felt i should share some songs some sounds some sensations
for people who shall wander into this little space i called sssooonnnsss
which is an extended syllable for sounds in the portuguese language
which we speak where i live.

I have been listening & living to music for decades and lots of it I have kept
stored & kept to myself
or at the most for visitors in my living room.

Now my room roams across the world and the songs can be kept to all selves.